the cost of a mark

  • Straight Engraving

    Straight engraving a simple logo or text is $7/item ($5 if you’re an apprentice) + a setup fee of $20.
    If you are getting more than 20 items engraved the setup fee is waived.

  • Complex engraving

    Fiddly designs, photographs and tricky work pieces that require extra setup incur extra cost to be negotiated at the time of quoting the job.

  • Stealth marking

    Stealth Marking fits nicely in-between the grey area of straight and complex engraving. These start at the same price as straight engraving but may incur a surcharge if significant additional setup is required per-item. For reference, the advertised stealth logos on the concealed portion of a Milwaukee Packout latch do -not- attract a surcharge as they are relatively simple to set up

  • apprentice discount

    $2 off per unit on straight engraving and setup costs waved on >15 items.

  • Design work

    POA. This is highly variable based on a number of factors around complexity, number of re-works, starting images (if provided).